Poznań Business Run

Poznań Business Run

By means of implementing the CSR policy of the Company, Torpol actively supports any sports initiatives of their employees, including the co-financing of participation in various types of sporting events. In response to the growing interest in running, a team of runners represented the Company under the name Torpol Running Team. Thanks to their mutual passion and cooperation, those Employees have created a great team which not only cares about comprehensive development and self-realization of their members, but also takes pride in the opportunity to help those in need.

In this year’s edition of the Poznan Business Run, two teams participated in the run and took the places of 219 and 276 out of 702 teams.

More information about the run can be found on the organizer’s website under the following link: https://polandbusinessrun.pl/pl/pbr/poznan

Congratulations and good luck in future running races!